Détail de l'audience
Video recording from 2017-12-04
Day's program and witnesses list
Val Napoleon
Professeure à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Victoria et directrice du Indigenous Law Research Unit de l’Université de Victoria
Hadley Friedland
Professeure à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de l’Alberta
- Video recording :
- Transcription Video recording from 04-12-17
Documents de l'audience
Indigenous Laws as a Cornerstone for Concrete, Effective and Lasting Reconciliation
Bibliographie divisée par thèmes, listant tous les documents déposés en preuve à la CERP par Hadley Friedland et Val Napoleon
Canada's Indigenous Constitution
The Duty to Learn: Taking Account of Indigenous Legal Orders in Practice
Indigenous Law Making (in Terms of Co-Existence: Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law)
Thinking about Indigenous Legal Orders (in Dialogues on Human Rights and Legal Pluralism)
Indigenous Legal Traditions: Roots to Renaissance (in The Oxford Handbook on Criminal Law)
The Grammar of Customary Law
The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume 6, Chapter 2 - Indigenous law: Truth, reconciliation, and access to justice
Heroes, Tricksters, Monsters ans Caretakers: Indigenous Laws and Legal Education
Gathering the Threads: Developing a Methodology for Researching and Rebuilding Indigenous Legal Traditions
Stl'ul nup: Legal Landscapes of the Hul'qumi'num mustimuhw
An Inside Job: Engaging with Indigenous Legal Traditions through Stories
Where's the Law in Restorative Justice?
Stsqey'ulécw re st'exelcemc (St'exelmc Laws from the Lands)
Anishinabek Legal Traditions Report, prepared for the Accessing Justice and Reconciliation Project
Nation-Building: Reflections of a Niyhiyow (Cree)
Cree Legal Traditions Report, prepared for the Accessing Justice and Reconciliation Project
Chapter 4: Wah-ko-to-win: Laws for a Society of Relationships Chapter 5: Creating a Cree Justice Process using Cree Legal Principles from Reclaiming the Language of Law: The Contemporary Articulation and Application of Cree Legal Principles in Canada
Understanding Innu Normativity in Matters of Customary "Adoption" and Care
Ayook: Gitksan Legal Order, Law, and Legal Theory
Indigenous Legal Traditions Core Workshop Materials
Stopping the violence : Canadian feminist debates on restorative justice and intimate violence
Aboriginal Discourse: Gender, Identity and Community (dans Indigenous Peoples and the Law)
Raven's Garden: A Discussion about Aboriginal Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues
Gender and Violence: Drawing on Indigenous Legal Resources
Ipeelee and the Duty to Resist
Navigating through Narratives of Despair: Making Space for the Cree Reasonable Person in the Canadian Justice System
Tragic choices and the Division of Sorrow: Speaking about Race, Culture and Community Traumatisation in the Lives of Children
Indian Act By-Laws: A Viable Means for First Nations to (Re)Assert Control over Local Matters Now and Not Later
Accessing Tully: Political Philosophy for the Everyday and the Everyone (dans Freedom and Democracy in an Imperial Context: Dialogues with James Tully)
Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice: The Murder of Pamela George (dans Race, Space and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society)
Wrapping Our Ways Around Them: Aboriginal Communities and the CFCSA Guidebook
Prendre le droit autochtone au sérieux: Entretien avec Hadley Friedland
Mikomosis and the Wetiko
Mikomosis and the Wetiko, A Teaching Guide
Gender Inside Indigenous Law Casebook
A Toolkit for On-Reserve Matrimonial Real Property Dispute Resolution
Gender Inside Indigenous Law Toolkit
Course Outline: Indigenous Laws: Questions and Methods for Engagement / Reading List
Wahkotowin course syllabus from the Faculty of Native Studies of the University of Alberta
Front-Line Justice
Rethinking Customary Law in Tribal Court Jurisprudence
Violence is Not Conflict: Why it Matters in Restorative Justice Practice
Criminal Justice Syllabus / Criminal Justice Evolving reading list