Full participants and Limited participants

Notice from the Inquiry in accordance with Rule 14: Anyone who would like to obtain full or limited participant standing from the Commission must submit a written request, in accordance with Rule 14 of the Procedural and Operational Rules .

Anyone directly affected by the inquiry or who can contribute to it can obtain full or limited participant standing from the Commissioner.

To do so, they shall submit a written request to the Inquiry before the specified date, including:

1. their complete contact information (name, address, telephone and fax number and email address);
2. the nature of their interest in the Inquiry's work;
3. the desired status and the reasons for the request;
4. how they can contribute to the Inquiry's work;
5. The name and contact information of the lawyer representing them.

The request includes a sworn statement signed by the applicant, indicating that he or she has read the Commission's Procedural and Operational Rules and undertakes to comply with them.

Full participant standing

The Commissioner grants the full participant standing to anyone who has a significant, direct interest with respect to the subject of the inquiry and is likely to be affected by the Commission's report.

Full participants have the right to:

• obtain disclosure of the documents the Inquiry's lawyers or a participant are planning to submit as evidence, within a reasonable time frame before being tabled;
• recommend that theInquiry's prosecutors summon certain witnesses, cover certain aspects during testimonies or table certain documents, or request an order to summon a witness or demand that a document be submitted as evidence;
• raise objections and cross-examine witnesses, within the limits of their interest and on the subjects relating to their participant status;
• to make final observations verbally and to present a written brief.

Limited participant standing

The Commissioner grants the limited participant standing to anyone who has a real interest with respect to the subject of the inquiry, as well as a perspective, experience or expertise that may contribute to the execution of the Inquiry's mandate. 

Limited participant have the right to:

• obtain disclosure of the documents the Inquiry's lawyers or a participant are planning to submit as evidence, within a reasonable time frame before being tabled;
• to recommend that the Inquiry's prosecutors question a witness on certain specific points or, with the Commissioner's permission, to question the witness regarding specific points;
• to make final verbal observations on aspects pertaining to their stakeholder standing and, with the Commissioner's permission, to present a short written brief on these aspects.