Détail de l'audience
Video recording from 2017-09-28
Day's program and witnesses list
Konrad Sioui
Kateri Vincent
Nation huronne-wendat
Annie Baron
Pascale Laneuville
Association des femmes inuit
Eva Gunn
Elisapi Uitangak
Régie régionale de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Nunavik
Joseph Tokwiro Norton
Communauté Kahnawake
- Video recording :
- Transcription Video recording from 28-09-17
Documents de l'audience
La Nation huronne-wendat
Saturviit, Association des femmes inuit du Nunavik
Report on the Inquiry into Missing or murdered Nunavimmiut
Bring hope and restore peace, A study report on the life and concerns of Inuit women of Nunavik
Nunavik Health and Social Services perspective