Détail de l'audience
Video recording from 2017-09-15
Day's program and witnesses list
Manon Jeannotte
Communauté Micmac de Gespeg
Terri-Lynn Morrison
Ango'tmrn Nm'tginen (Migmawei Mawiomi)
Donald Nicholls
Denis Blanchette
Cree Nation Government, Justice and Correctional Services
- Video recording :
- Transcription Video recording from 15-09-17
Documents de l'audience
La Nation Micmac de Gespeg
Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones
Cree Adult Criminal Justice General Process
Empowering Our Youth. A Way of Life.
Working Together for Safer and Engaged Community
Brief of the Department of Justice and Correctional Services of the Cree Nation Government